Reparametrisation of Adel-wheat allows reducing the experimental effort to simulate the 3D development of winter wheat

  • Mariem Abichou INRA, UMR1091 EGC
  • Christian Fournier INRA, UMR759 LEPSE
  • Tino Dornbusch University of Lausanne
  • Camille Chambon INRA, UMR1091 EGC
  • Rim Baccar ESA
  • Jessica Bertheloot INRA, UMR1345 IRHS
  • Tiphaine Vidal INRA, UMR1091 EGC
  • Corinne Robert INRA, UMR1091 EGC
  • David Gouache Arvalis-Institut du Végétal
  • Bruno Andrieu INRA, UMR1091 EGC
Keywords: 3D modelling, parameterisation, tillering, architecture, phyllochron, geometry


A parameterization for dynamics of wheat plant architecture was developed with both high flexibility to adapt to contrasted genotypes and growth conditions and a reasonably low number of parameters, so that field measurements at 4-5 dates provide infromation required to simulate the whole crop cycle from seed emergence to grain maturity. Changes in leaf angles according to leaf age were shown to impact strongly ground cover. Simulations of ground cover and GAI matched field measurements all over the crop cycle.
4B Growth and development of plant communities