Author Guidelines
Selected papers from the 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM2013) will be published as full articles in Annals of Botany. This proceedings volume follows the instructions of Annals of Botany as much as possible. In case you feel that an item important for your manuscript is missing below, please, consult the instructions of
Annals of Botany.
NB: Our instructions differ from Annals of Botany in the following aspects:
- The abstracts for FSPM2013 must be submitted as a single file including text, tables, and figures.
- Page formatting is partly different.
- We encourage the use of colour illustration.
- We do not publish any supplementary online material.
Download a model abstract.
The text must be publication ready. Thus, follow exactly these instructions with respect of style and formatting.
Text should be typed on a A4 size page using size 11 Times New Roman, single-spaced throughout, with 25 mm top margin and other margins 20 mm. Do not use page numbers, any headers, or footers. Do not use line numbering. The article file should be in Microsoft Word - file type DOC or DOCX. Use consistently either British or American English [in Word you can select the language via Tools - Language - Set Language either "English (UK)" or "English (US)"].
Title should be concise and informative, followed by the names of all authors. Where necessary, each name should be followed by an identifying superscript number (1, 2, 3 etc.) associated with the appropriate institutional address to be entered below the names. For papers with more than one author, the corresponding author's name should be followed by a superscript asterisk*. E-mail of the corresponding author must be provided but e-mails of co-authors are not necessary.
See detailed instructions concerning abbreviations, units of measurements, names of plants, mathematical equations, sequence information and other from Annals of Botany. Use a fully Word compliant equation editor. If you have the necessary tools, convert your file to pdf and check that all figures, tables, equations etc. are reproduced correctly. However, send us the Word file (.doc or .docx). We DO NOT accept submissions in pdf.
Please do not use footnotes within articles. Any such notes must be incorporated into the main text, for example within brackets or as a separate paragraph.
Three-page extended abstracts for oral presentations
Highlights: a short statement of the most important results of the study not exceeding 60 words.
Key words: provide three to six keywords that describe your work. These should be suitable for indexing purposes and search engines.
The text should start with a short introductory chapter stating the context and objectives of the work. Organise your text as best fits for your work. Use appropriate chapter titles. End your text with clear conclusions.
Insert all tables, figures, equations, and similar items within the text in appropriate positions.
One-page abstract for posters
Highlights: a short statement of the most important results of the study not exceeding 60 words.
Key words: provide three to six keywords that describe your work. These should be suitable for indexing purposes and search engines.
Write your text without chapter headings. However, it should concisely provide the context of the work, objectives, main methods and results, and a clear conclusion.
Insert tables, figures, equations, and similar items within the text in appropriate positions.
It is important to follow the instructions of Annals of Botany for bibliographic references. This will save work if you submit a full paper for consideration in the special issue on functional-structural models.
Citations in the text
These should take the form of Felle (2005) or Jacobsen and Forbes (1999) or (Williamson and Watanabe, 1987; Rodrigues, 2002a, b) and be ordered chronologically. Papers by three or more authors, even on first mention, should be abbreviated to the name of the first author followed by et al. (e.g. Zhang et al., 2005). If two different authors have the same last name, give their initials (e.g. NH Kawano, 2003) to avoid confusion. Only refer to papers as 'in press' if they have been accepted for publication in a named journal, otherwise use the terms 'unpubl. res.', giving the initials and location of the person concerned. (e.g. H Gautier, INRA, Lusignan, France, unpubl. res.) or 'pers. comm.' (e.g. WT Jones, University of Oxford, UK, ‘pers. comm.’)
Literature cited
Literature cited must be included in both 3-page extended abstracts of oral presentations and 1-page poster abstracts. The references should be arranged alphabetically based on the surname of the first or sole author. Where the same sole author or same first author has two or more papers listed, these papers should be grouped in year order. Where such an author has more than one paper in the same year, these should be ordered with single authored papers first followed by two-author papers (ordered first alphabetically based on the second author's surname, then by year) , and then any three-or-more-author papers (in year order only). Italicized letters 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., should be added to the date of papers with the same first authorship and year.
For papers with six authors or fewer, please give the names of all the authors. For papers with seven authors or more, please give the names of the first three authors only, followed by et al.
Write the reference list using Times New Roman 10 pts font. Each entry must conform to one of the following styles according to the type of publication.
Öpik H, Rolfe S. 2005. The physiology of flowering plants. Physicochemical and environmental plant physiology, 4th edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chapters in books
Scandalios JG. 2001. Molecular responses to oxidative stress. In: Hawkesford MJ, Buchner P, eds. Molecular analysis of plant adaptation to the environment. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 181-208.
Research papers
Popper ZA, Fry SC. 2003. Primary cell wall composition of bryophytes and charophytes. Annals of Botany 91: 1–12.
Papers published online ahead of print
Forster MA, Ladd B, Bonser SP. 2011. Optimal allocation of resources in response to shading and neighbours in the heteroblastic species, Acacia implexa. Annals of Botany, in press. doi:10.1093/aob/mcq228.
NB: include the doi number: a search for the doi will always be directed to the most recent version, so the reader will be able to find the final published paper as soon as it appears.
Online-only journals
Aizen MA, Morales C, Morales JM. 2008. Invasive mutualists erode native pollination webs. PloS Biology 6: e31. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060031.
NB: include the doi number after the volume and article number.
Tholen D. 2005. Growth and photosynthesis in ethylene-insensitive plants. PhD Thesis, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Anonymous sources
Anonymous. Year. Title of booklet, leaflet, report, etc. City: Publisher or other source, Country.
References to websites should be structured as:
Author(s) name, author(s) initial(s). year. Full title of article. Full URL. Date of last successful access (e.g. 12 Jan. 2003)
Include all tables and figures into your text file at their right places (submit only one complete file).
The best guide for laying out tables and diagrams are papers in a recent issue of Annals of Botany. Tables should include a complete caption above the table and be numbered Table 1, Table 2 etc. according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. When preparing tables, adopt the 'Tables' set-up in MS Word, using one cell for each datum cluster (e.g. 12.2 ± 1.65) and avoid the use of the 'return' key. Use Times New Roman 10 pts font in the table and table heading. If the tables have been prepared in MS Excel, please paste them into the Word document as text, not as an object: i.e. it should be possible in Word to select and edit the text within the table.
All images (e.g. line diagrams, drawings, graphs, photographs, plates) are considered to be ‘Figures’. Colour is encouraged when it improves communication. Each figure should be numbered (Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc.) according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Electron and light photomicrographs should have internal scale markers. Line diagrams will normally be boxed with inward scale markings. Use open and/or closed circles, squares and triangles for symbols in line graphs. When a block of illustrative material consists of several parts, each part should be labelled A, B, C, etc. and not treated as separate figures. Figure captions should be written using Times New Roman 10 pts font. For text in the figure (e.g. axis labels) we recommend Arial 9 pts font.
Simple black and white line drawings and graphs should be prepared with ca. 300 dpi resolution and inserted to the Word file. More complicated drawings, such as detailed botanical illustrations should be prepared with 600 dpi resolution. For continuous tone images (e.g. photographs), please use 300 dpi resolution (or 600 dpi if the image is a mix of pictures and text and/or has thin lines). Scaling, sizing and cropping are best carried out within image handling programmes such as Adobe PhotoShop or Corel PhotoPaint before inserting to the Word file.
Download a model abstract.
You must register as an author in the FSPM2013 Proceedings website before you can submit an abstract. Select "For authors" in the right side of the webpage.
After registering, log in (upper right corner of the page), select ”User home”, thereafter ”author”, and ”Start a new submission” for submitting your abstract. The submission page should be self-explanatory. However, note the following:
You must select the proposed session that is most closely related to your oral presentation or poster in the ”journal section” step. Detailed descriptions on topics under each session title can be found from the conference web page.
You must check all boxes in the ”Submission checklist” and accept the copyright notice to proceed.
Comments for the editor
Indicate in this box whether you are offering a poster or an oral presentation.
In the step 3 of the submission process, you will be asked to submit an abstract. Please enter the "highlights" text here.