A geometrical model generator for quasi-axisymmetric fruit

  • Seppe Rogge University of Leuven
  • Shiferaw Beyene University of Leuven
  • Els Herremans University of Leuven
  • Thijs Defraeye University of Leuven
  • Pieter Verboven University of Leuven
  • Bart Nicolai University of Leuven
Keywords: elliptic Fourier descriptors, shape description, shape generation, biological variability


A geometrical model generator for fruit is presented. The generator uses X-ray tomography images of quasi-axisymmetric fruit as input, describes the shape of the fruit with elliptical Fourier descriptors, and uses statistical analysis to randomly generate new representative fruit shapes from this dataset, which can be directly used as CAD models for CFD or FEM analysis.
1B Reconstructing and observing plant structure