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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published in any electronic or print forum.
  • All submission material is in a single file, i.e. the submission does not include any supplementary material. The submission file is in Microsoft Word (doc/docx) document file format.
  • DOI (preferably) or a stable URL has been provided for each electronic-only or preprint reference.
  • The text is single-spaced; font and paragraph formatting follows the model abstract; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines


Selected presentations from the International Workshop on Forest Science Publishing will be published as full articles in Silva Fennica. This proceedings volume follows the instructions of Silva Fennica as much as possible. In case you feel that an item important for your manuscript is missing below, please, consult the instructions of Silva Fennica.

NB: Our instructions differ from Silva Fennica in the following aspects:

  • The abstracts must be submitted as a single file including text, tables, and figures.
  • Page formatting is partly different.
  • We encourage the use of colour illustration.
  • We do not publish any supplementary online material.
  • Proceedings are published in pdf only without the extended characteristics of Silva Fennica’s html articles.


The text must be publication ready. Thus, follow exactly these instructions with respect of style and formatting.

Text should be typed on an A4 size page, single-spaced throughout, with 25 mm top margin and other margins 20 mm. Do not use page numbers, any headers, or footers. Do not use line numbering. Use Constantia 11 pts. font, regular, for chapter headings and Tahoma 10 pts. for the text body. Chapter headings must be lined left. Text body must be justified with first line intended by 5 mm. The article file should be in Microsoft Word - file type DOC or DOCX. Use consistently either British or American English [in Word you can select the language via Tools - Language - Set Language either "English (UK)" or "English (US)"].

Title should be concise and informative. Use Constantia 14 pts. regular font. The names of all authors follow the title separated an empty line from the title. Use Constantia 11 pts. bold. Where necessary, each name should be followed by an identifying superscript number (1, 2, 3 etc.) associated with the appropriate institutional address to be entered below the names; use Contantia 11 pts., italics. For abstracts with more than one author, the corresponding author's name should be followed by a superscript asterisk*. E-mail of the corresponding author must be provided. E-mails of co-authors may be provided if the authors so decide.

See detailed instructions concerning abbreviations, units of measurements, names of plants, mathematical equations, sequence information and other from Silva Fennica. Use a fully Word compliant equation editor. If you have the necessary tools, convert your file to pdf and check that all figures, tables, equations etc. are reproduced correctly. However, send us the Word file. We DO NOT accept submissions in pdf.

Check an example for formatting.


Three-page extended abstracts for oral presentations

Highlights: a short statement of the most important results of the study not exceeding 60 words.

Key words: provide three to six keywords that describe your work. These should be suitable for indexing purposes and search engines.

The text should start with a short introductory chapter stating the context and objectives of the work. Organise your text as best fits for your work. Use appropriate chapter titles. End your text with clear conclusions.

Insert all tables, figures, equations, and similar items within the text in appropriate positions.

One-page abstract for posters

Highlights: a short statement of the most important results of the study not exceeding 60 words.

Key words: provide three to six keywords that describe your work. These should be suitable for indexing purposes and search engines.

Write your text without chapter headings. However, it should concisely provide the context of the work, objectives, main methods and results, and a clear conclusion.

Insert tables, figures, equations, and similar items within the text in appropriate positions.


It is important to follow the instructions of Silva Fennica for bibliographic references. This will save work if you submit a fullmanuscript for consideration in the special issue on forest science publishing.

Citing References in the Text

Reference format

For references in the text, use the name-year system. When reference is made to several publications, arrange them in chronological order. Use semicolon (;) for separating references. Where a publication has no person named as the author or editor, the name of the publisher is quoted, together with the year of publication (e.g. Finnish Forest Research Institute 2011). Examples:

(Smith and Allen 2005)

Smith et al. (2010)

(Smith 1996; Deleuze and Houllier 1997; Kähkölä et al. 2012)

Secondary references may be used, if necessary, by citing also the work where the secondary reference is cited: (Virtanen and Saastamoinen 1936 as cited by Kähkölä et al. 2012). Include both references into the reference list.

Personal communications and similar sources of information must be avoided as far as possible. If you absolutely need to refer to an unwritten source of information, identify it in the text, preferably in parentheses: (Prof. John Doe, University of Lapland, pers. comm. in 2011).

List of references

General principles

Make reference only to published, available material. Do not include personal communications in the list of references but refer to them in the text. For the order, structure and form of the references, consult the examples below. In addition, note the following:

  • If a publication has no obvious author or editor, the publication is listed in alphabetical order of its own title.
  • The standard number, ISBN in books, or STRN in reports, should be given for sources of low circulation at the end of the reference.
  • Use italics for scientific names of taxa mentioned in the title. Otherwise, use only regular font in the reference list.
  • Do not abbreviate journal names.
  • Order references alphabetically according to the first author, second author, third author, etc. For same author(s), order chronologically.
  • Give DOI number if known.
  • Format references with first line hanging by 5 mm.


Journal article:

Kähkölä A-K.,  Nygren P.,  Leblanc H.A., Pennanen T., Pietikäinen J. (2012). Leaf and root litter of a legume tree as nitrogen sources for cacaos with different root colonisation by arbuscular mycorrhizae. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 92: 51–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10705-011-9471-z.

Article in a book:

Wilcove D.S., McLellan C.H., Dobson A.P. (1986). Habitat fragmentation in the temperate zone. In: Soulé M.E. (ed.) Conservation biology: the science of scarcity and diversity. Sinauer, Sunderland, Massachusetts. p. 237–256.


Ilvessalo-Pfäffli M-S. (1995). Fiber atlas: Identification of papermaking fibers. Springer Series in Wood Sciences. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York. 400 p.

References to Internet sources with DOI number

Jalonen R., Sierra J. (2012). Temporal variation of N isotopic composition of decomposing legume roots and its implications to N cycling estimates in 15N tracer studies in agroforestry systems. Applied and Environmental Soil Science. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/506302.

References to Internet sources without DOI number

Daily G. (1999). Developing a scientific basis for managing Earth’s life support systems. Conservation Ecology 3: 14. http://www.consecol.org/vol3/iss2/art14. [Cited 18 Jan 2001].

FAOStat (2011). http://www.fao.org/corp/statistics/en/. [Cited 29 July 2011].

World Cocoa Foundation (2010). Cocoa market update May 2010. http://www.worldcocoafoundation.org/learn-about-cocoa/cocoa-market.html. [Cited 12 Aug 2011].


Include all tables and figures into your text file at their right places (submit only one complete file).


The best guide for laying out tables and diagrams are articles in a recent issue of Silva Fennica. Tables are numbered continuously through the manuscript. Vertical dividers are not allowed. Prepare the tables using a table editor. Never enter a paragraph break or a line break within a table cell. Write table heading above the table. The table heading must be self-explanatory. If you use symbols in the table, all of them must be explained in a footnote to the table.


All image material, e.g. charts illustrating data or photographs, are considered as figures. Figures are numbered continuously throughout the manuscript. Refer to them in the text as "Fig. 1" etc. Use of colour figures is encouraged. Always use the same identifier (e.g. symbol, column fill, line colour) for a variable, which appears in more than one figure of a manuscript. Write figure caption below the figure. Caption must be self-explanatory. Explain all symbols used either in the figure caption or in the figure legend. Lettering within the figure (including the legend) must be sized adequately with the figure contents. However, lettering size must not radically differ from font size in the text. Use Tahoma font for Latin letters and numbers and Symbol font for Greek letters and mathematical symbols. Keep lettering consistently sized both within a figure and between the figures of a manuscript.

Line drawings must be prepared at 600 dpi resolution. Prefer lines in solid black and use markers for differentiating small number of lines in the same graph. If you need four lines or more in a line graph, use solid colours. Select colours that can be distinguished in black-and-white printing. Do not use line weights below 1.0 pts.

Photographs must be high quality colour or grey scale digital photos. Scale the photographs to 300 dpi resolution. If you combine photographs and line drawings, the complete figure must be prepared at 600 dpi resolution. If you add only a scale bar to a photograph, retain the 300 dpi resolution.

Scaling, sizing and cropping are best carried out using an image handling programme such as Adobe PhotoShop or Corel PhotoPaint before inserting to the Word file.


You must register as an author in the website of the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Forest Science Publishing before you can submit an abstract. Select "For authors" in the right side of the webpage.

After registering, log in (upper right corner of the page), select ”User home”, thereafter ”author”, and ”Start a new submission” for submitting your abstract. The submission page should be self-explanatory. However, note the following:

  • You must select keynote (invitation only), oral presentation, poster, or open lecture (invitation only) in the ”journal section” step.
  • You must check all boxes in the ”Submission checklist” and accept the copyright notice to proceed.


In the step 3 of the submission process, you will be asked to submit an abstract. Please enter the "highlights" text here.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this proceedings site will be used exclusively for the purposes of the proceedings and the IUFRO Working Party 9.01.06 and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.